Friday, March 11, 2011

WRKO Host Howie Carr's Unfortunate Choice to Serve the Globalist Agenda

Howie Carr, who made a panem et circenses spectacle of his brawl with the Bulger family and others, completely kill switched a citizen this afternoon who wanted to discuss silly stuff like identification, birth certificates and the Constitution.

He is in the illustrious company of every radio host, coast to coast, from Jim Vicevich to Rush Limbaugh to John Batchelor to George Noory and on, and on...

Knowing full well that the man wanted to discuss Barry Soetoro's identity and his right to be President, if any, he derailed the citizen by cutting him off verbally, hitting the button, and rerailing the topic briefly.

He then proceeded to ask Representative Michele Bachmann whether, at some future date, she would support legislation requiring that you identify yourself before becoming President or taking other offices.

Future ? What are they hiding now if his concern is a future remedy to something they were told to ignore now ?

It does matter.

Why can't Barry just show the original birth certificate ?

Doesn't Howie Carr sound like a man who, along with corporate-owned talk show hosts coast to coast, was warned to derail citizens broaching the topic of Soetoro's citizenship to keep the peace ?

If this trans-"party" cabal threatened Congressmen with martial law in the fall of 2008, what did they threaten the talk show hosts with in order to muzzle them ? If they riot upon removal from office, you arrest them. Any person bringing up the topic is kill switched by these people so they can't even finish their thought!

And with Howie, a Phi Beta Kappa, you can't even say he's an idiot who fell into broadcasting !

If the man is in office illegally, it's illegal. It doesn't matter that he's sitting there. The act of moving your crap into the White House doesn't magically make you President. Would you vote for a dog because the Globalists put him up as a candidate then ignore that he's a dog because he got 51 percent of the vote ? What don't you people understand ?

It does matter when a man can't provide the identification required when anyone gets a passport or a 16 year old gets a driver's license !

Where is the birth certificate, usurpers ?


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