Friday, March 11, 2011

France recognizes Chaos but who recognized France ?

"Members of the rebel Libyan National Council are 'valid interlocutors', Britain's Foreign Office said on Thursday after France recognized the [rebel] council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people. 'The U.K. recognizes states, not governments. The interim national council are valid interlocutors, with whom we wish to work closely,' a spokesman for the Foreign Office told Reuters."

Yes, well, given the rights afforded to Native Americans on 2000 year old verbal evidence and not having their name carved in rock across Europe, that has no meaning.

Strangely enough, the Ottavianos and their successors never recognized France, due to being forced to hide in plain view by a Visigoth, Frankish, Saxon and Jewish coup d'etat.

France recognizes Chaos but who recognized France ?

A Pope in 800 ? There's a laugh. They're usurpers of everything from Roman holidays, to their dates and their meaning, to the title of Pontifex Maximus they stole from the last Roman Emperor.

So what is Sarkozy ? He's a Greek Jew through his mother, Andree Mallah.

Again. Yawn. I could yawn, if it wasn't so serious.

And he is pretend nobility as well, through various Visigoth usurpers.

I rest my case.

How do I keep proving these connections so readily ?

All history is an illusion written by those with the most weapons and money. In this case it was stolen from us, the Roman people and their provincials.


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