Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Oil falls but are gas station prices falling ? No !

Crude future contracts have fallen from over $105.50 today to $104 according to Drudge at 3 PM EST.

Gas stations were out raising sign prices and hitting buttons as the oil price rose, even though what they were raising it on was refined gas in their tanks ordered months ago.

Now, today, oil is going down, and did they run out and lower the price ? No !

They conveniently hover at $3.47 for Self Serve Regular from what I see my area, and likely would claim they're being "sure" or "safe" or "cautious".

Didn't they need to be cautious when gouging customers ?

They're watching events, they'll say.


They'll hover at $3.47 like Ali Babas to be within firing distance of a $4 price that they were all authorized to charge by the Globalist mouthpiece media polling American Idiots who said repeatedly, in hundreds of interviews on radio, idiot box, internet and print, their resignation to defeat of "what are you going to do ?"

Start by not paying for theft. Get some analytical skill. Retaliate by driving to work to take their money, and the grocer !


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