Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Thousands of man hours and millions of dollars for wind farm loonies, not one dime for those murdered by Merck

Does anyone ever investigate what preexisting medical and psychiatric issues these wind farm sensitivity "patients" have ?

...as many as 50 people are complaining about the turbine and the noise it makes at different speeds. A dozen families are retaining a lawyer for that reason.

Is this like being maimed by one of Massachusetts' known-to-the-state (and hidden from the patients) drug addict doctors and his Ft Detrick Army cohort working to kill for Merck and the government ? Get a real problem and live with it, whiners. You're nothing but a Massachusetts lynch mob that doesn't want to look at the tall turbines and hiding it within the last assault you have left... health.

Where's your enlarged heart to 85 percent of normal, vasculitis, neuropathy, repeated CHF, and near heart transplant and bleed out ?

You're all brats. Where were your concerns when it was my life being targeted by the SS dba Globalists ?

I was murdered with full documentation from dozens of doctors and it received no coverage, except with the walls of the top hospitals and medical schools.

“It is dangerous. Headaches. Loss of sleep. And the ringing in my ears never goes away. I could look at it all day, and it does not bother me. It’s quite majestic — but it’s way too close,” Anderson said.

Neighbors say this isn’t a debate about a turbine ruining their view, and their goal is not compensation. Some just want it turned off at night.

But Anderson can’t compromise. “This house has been my hobby, my investment, and we love it out here. We will move if we have to. Because we cannot live with (the turbine). No, we cannot,” Anderson said.

Waaaaah !

Harper said one of the challenges of running the turbine is that the type of sound some neighbors complain about — that low-level pulse — isn’t regulated by the state. “The times I have been there I do not experience the impact of the effect that the neighbors have expressed that they’ve experienced. But I do believe that they are experiencing something that is very real to them,” Harper said.

That's the beauty of them being forced to disclose what other problems including drug use and alcohol that they had before the turbines. We'd then discover whether they're prone nit pickers or smoke something that Howie Carr likes to identify as being a back deck favorite in Massachusetts.

Neil Anderson and his wife keep a log of how the turbine affects them. It shows nights of disrupted sleeping, headaches, and even mood-swings.

The people in these repeated articles had weird sensitivities long before turbines went in, and these are just the latest of their malcontent behaviors like nearly every person who moved here since 1998 or so.

They're all fleeing something and trying to make their life perfect.

Get back to me after you're murdered and then harassed for demanding justice.


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