With no sign his forecast of Judgment Day arriving on Saturday has come true, the 89-year-old California evangelical broadcaster and former civil engineer behind the pronouncement seemed to have gone silent.
Family Radio, the Christian stations network headed by Harold Camping which had spread his message of an approaching doomsday, was on Saturday playing recorded church music and devotional messages unrelated to the apocalypse.
Could it be that he's actually a fraud in a way that no one has mentioned ?
Could his real goal be to prove that it's all a hoax by getting the world's attention and showing it didn't actually happen any more than any other hooey ?
It's the spiritual half of the control structure developed thousands of years ago to con you into obeying temporal fools who are often more stupid than you, but think that because you don't pull a sword or gun on them or their parasitic security forces that they're the smartest one in the room.
They con you into obeying and throwing money at temporal officials with weapons handing each other posts and contracts lest you "burn".
Ask how the Vatican dares insert its holidays into the same days my family used. They declare them every year. Witness Easter. If they want authenticity they need to try calculating a birth date for Jesus instead of using a Roman Imperial festival date. They're not my family and they're not the Roman Empire. They were and are reticent to pick different dates, if they were such a new religion handed down by God.
They used the same dates because it was what the sheep knew under Roman rule.
This is not to say there is no God or gods. This is to say man hasn't met them yet.
They killed all the people they wanted until 1648 and beyond. They stole all the wealth they could, however.
This ignores his time as a Nazi, as so many "inherited" usurpers of Rome now in control like Prince Philip and formerly in control like Prince Bernhard over the last 65 years were. This is an abject and unapologetic slap in the face to US soldiers who were conned into laying their lives down in what is increasingly clear was another staged war for the power and wealth of Germanic and Jewish co-conspirators. Remember, the poor suffered and fought; the Germans eliminated poor Jews, not the rich ones they needed. Don't be a sucker to the victor's history written afterwards that largely fails to identify this in American schools unless you go on to advanced study. So it is that these wealthy Germanic and Jewish (witness George Soros) monsters lived completely or nearly free for 65 years and now spearhead their Fourth Reich funded by the hiding of Nazi funds in companies like the SS "bank" Merck, and the Goebbel / Quandt BMW, that of Globalism.
The Pope is the self-conscious usurper of the Roman Empire created by my ancestor Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano Augusto (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus Augustus in Latin if it looks more familiar... or Caesar Augustus). The Vatican, on the murder of the last Emperor, took control of the spiritual side as the Germans took the temporal in revenge for the "persecution" of those who were actually breaking the law at the time of their arrests and trials, the founders of the same church.
Yet the Vatican, in order to grab the reigns of the yoke over the necks of man, simply inserted its own holidays on the Roman dates, and usurped the titles, most importantly Pontifex Maximus.
Hams are nutritional experts and offer their guests the very best food.
mirandie24 Mirandie Kelso
What #4hb food can you find to eat at the HAMvention (electronics flea mkt)? Finally found chili. That is all I've had today.
2 minutes ago
I found this good one on Twitter earlier about Dayton Hamvention attendees.
Rachel Young
@RayYo Dayton, OH
Working hamvention=hearing the story of a passed kidney stone a
million times & watching a guy chew on his own hand. Such an awkward
25 minutes ago
She forgot to add whether they were walking around with all they bought (usually bags of connectors after travelling 500 miles), and free hats and mouse pads the the rest of us paid for so these cheap bastards could take a few.
When you tell the companies you actually bought a radio in this collapsing economy (stage two, remember ?) and are physically incapable of going to Dayton through near-death injuries caused by Bilderberg Merck, they refuse to send you a stinking hat even if you offer postage.
The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.
What does it buy Tim Geithner time for ? To tell granny she isn't getting her August Social Security check, and that if she contacts her un-Representative's college intern before the loss, that the TSA whackers who are too dumb to notify real cops before a drill will give her hell and she knows it or fears it so she won't contact anyone to fight the coup d'etat ?
What does it buy Tim Geithner time for ? To tell granny she isn't getting her August Social Security check, and that if she contacts her un-Representative's college intern afterward, that she'll have gone over on her taxes, credit cards and other bills ? She'll be giving people who are already thieves late fees and overdraft and over limit fees.
Ca-ching. It's double jeopardy bail out money by force, stolen from the defenseless poor, disabled and old by the "Democrats" who "fight for them".
How conveniently planned, staged and executed by the Globalist banker family on Tonset Road in Orleans that recruited Barry Soetoro to cost the sheep hundreds of thousands of dollars each, particularly anyone who actually owned their house by work and not theft like them.
They are disgraces to Phi Beta Kappa. Honor. Probity. From murderers and thieves ?
They are part of an unlawful coup d'etat against my family that began when their ancestors assassinated Nero in 68.
There were no fiddles until the 16th century, and Nero didn't torch Rome. It's a post WWII lie against goyim and Italians in particular. It's their revenge for the pig Mussolini. They forget that their German partners defiled my family's Mausoleum of Augustus in 410 and that in 476, they killed their own puppet to install the families now in control of Europe.
Re-read all that I just said about their plot to screw you in August if you don't get off your behinds and give them migraines.
President Barack Obama will use his speech to the Arab world today to call for billions of dollars in financial assistance to Egypt and Tunisia as part of a comprehensive approach to the "Arab Spring" movement that he hopes will boost democratic reforms and America's reputation in the region.
The aid package, which would unfold over two to three years, would include an estimated $1 billion in debt cancellation, $1 billion in loan guarantees and several billion more in financing from multilateral institutions such as the World Bank, according to three senior administration officials who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House.
Are you comprehending that there are trillions for banker and corporate bail outs, for the over priced (read thieving) Military Industrial Complex that plays on your WWI and WWII conditioned guilt for "our boys," and...
At the same time, Geithner has said there will be no Social Security in August unless you give him more bail out money.
If not, he'll just let his handlers take it from you instead, as overdraft and over-limit and late fees, and create hundreds of thousands more sucker slaves in a hole than there are as this is typed.
A Gallup poll released last week indicate that 65% of those polled say the president “definitely” or “probably” was born in the U.S. Thirteen percent of Americans say the president “definitely” or “probably” was born in another country. Twenty percent say they don’t know enough to form an opinion. These numbers are trending towards the correct belief that the president was born in the U.S.
If I went to the Connecticut DMV with an Adobe file I had scanned, edited, moved stuff around on and then printed on a security background, and then said I was there for my Gold Star to do "commercial transactions" by 2017, they'd ignore me.
So what's wrong with the other 300 million of you ?
They'd laugh in my face even as the employees there are getting busted for forgery left right and center. That's as they get trained for Select ID / Real ID act Gold Star trash for the Globalist Bilderberg coup being run by Germanic and Jewish families of Europe. They'd laugh even as Barry Soetoro dba Barack Obama uses a Connecticut Social Security Number without living or being processed there, and an assumed name he had surrendered.
So, anyone who doesn't see that Donald Trump was a unfortunate shill for the false left / right, is in a fog of war.
He was the master of ceremonies for a sham, demanding proof that was then released by Barry Soetoro dba Barack Obama.
A quick search of the FEC data on Trump's contributions shouldn't be a point of pride of political flexibility for a variety of candidates and that he donates to any party. He seems to donate to everyone he can. It should raise questions whether someone can really rock back and forth year to year, giving money to one "party" in '98 and another in '99 without showing that they really are one cabal and a sham on the electorate.
I attached some contributions below. There are so many Contributions to Political Committees that it's impossible to show here. Go look it up. How does someone donate to conflicting ideologies so rapidly, year to year, such that he's either one hell of a gift giver or he's doing a fine job of proving it's all a Soviet-style sham ?
Yes, Trump's role in politics being over, he returned to private life on his Mount Vernon estate with his wife Martha and his slaves.
Presented by the Federal Election Commission
Individual Contributions Arranged By Type, Giver, Then Recipient
Non-Federal Receipts "Exempt From Limits" TRUMP, DONALD NEW YORK, NY 09007
A plane carrying first lady Michelle Obama came too close to a massive military cargo jet because of an air traffic controller's error and had to abort a landing at Andrews Air Force Base, U.S. aviation officials said Tuesday.
The FAA said that the Boeing 737, one of the fleet of presidential passenger jets, came within three miles of the military plane during the Monday evening flight, when a minimum separation of five miles is required to avoid dangerous wake turbulence.
Controllers at the air base in Maryland feared the cargo jet would not clear the runway in time, unidentified federal officials told the Washington Post.
Air Force One's arrival at Bradley International Airport was delayed slightly Wednesday morning after the pilot executed a "missed approach" and aborted the landing.
People onboard the Boeing 747 reportedly did not even realize the landing was aborted, but people awaiting Air Force One's arrival at the Air National Guard base in East Granby did.
Are there any "high ranking" Congressmen, agency heads, judges or media front men who are not rich Jews ? Is anyone awake when 2 percent of the population holds this many front jobs ? At minimum it's abject discrimination against the rest of us. We owe them nothing. Millions died in WWII for them, including those in my family.
Their profiteering power cabal with German families like the Windsors, Bourbons and the rest toppled Rome and has victimized the rest of us for 2000 years of setbacks. This Ottaviano knows the truth. I won't be sucked in by your WWII guilt trip after your Bilderberg friends tried to murder me through Merck in 1998.
Now they want to drag the USA into a staged war in Kashmir between Pakistan and Israel's ally India.
The birther lie thrived despite the certificate of live-birth candidate Obama posted on his website in 2008, contemporaneous newspaper accounts in the Hawaiian newspapers the Advertiser and Star Bulletin or fact-checking by Politifact and Factcheck.org.
Do you mean the Adobe file long form birth certificate posted on a fake background with multiple layers of edits from the administration that doesn't even answer its email like George Bush's staff did ?
It doesn't matter if the analysis comes from a conservative or computer analyst and not the regime's corporate propaganda arm, because the Bilderberg steered corporate media surely aren't going to speak the truth:
Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news – journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations.
And that number is an understatement. It is gleaned from tax forms, news stories and reporting. But Soros funds foundations that fund other foundations in turn, like the Tides Foundation, which then make their own donations. A complete accounting is almost impossible because a media component is part of so many Soros-funded operations.
George Soros is a Jewish Nazi conspirator. He sold his poor fellows out to save his skin and profit to this day as part of the rich Jewish-Germanic coup d'etat that brought Hitler to power and was moved here as Operation Paperclip, that a ham radio operator I knew worked on:
The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper...It said report to the rabbi seminary at 9 am...And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."
This shill for Globalists, Jake Tapper, is saying the only truth is the false left wing truth because if the analysis comes from the false right, it must be fake. How biased.
It takes those they tried to murder through Merck, like me, those whose families they unlawfully toppled in Rome, like me and others to pour water on this fire. They (the ancestors of the Jews and Germanics making up Bilderberg and Globalists) knocked us over through assassination and invasion to steal Europe for themselves. And cut the post WWII crap out that if you question Jews, you'r a racist.
They're racists for saying for over 2000 years that a Jew male can marry a goy female but not the other way around, as they rioted for those years and then screamed foul when they were put down under force of law.
They now do the same to Palestinians.
Turning toward what can most easily be described as a Soviet (or Jedi) mind trick, Tapper declares:
A Gallup poll released last week indicate that 65% of those polled say the president “definitely” or “probably” was born in the U.S. Thirteen percent of Americans say the president “definitely” or “probably” was born in another country. Twenty percent say they don’t know enough to form an opinion. These numbers are trending towards the correct belief that the president was born in the U.S.
These numbers are trending towards the correct belief that the president was born in the U.S. ?
So Jake Tapper decides what is "the correct belief" ? Based on an Adobe file that $2 million was spent preventing the release of ?
Pontius Pilate, fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea under Tiberius, said approximately "what is truth ?"
Who are you to declare what's "the correct belief" and not, Jake Tapper and what do you serve ?
We all know, those of us who aren't blinded by bias and can tell both sides of a story.
I'll bet that Jake Tapper thinks Nero fired Rome and that he played the fiddle (not invented until the 16th century) because the post WWII corporate publishers owned and run by the same Globalist Jews told him to say it.
We should have annihilated you when we had the chance, because all you did was come back and try to kill me as I innocently lived my life in 1998.
It's all documented and was all ignored by you Jews in the media, Jake.
That's because a little research showed who my family was and surely, none of you (including the Jews that run the law ragged) were going to help me after cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, a near bleed out, blood transfusions, CHF and vasculitis.
These were taken in Orleans, Massachusetts on 13 May 2011 before the next freak storm and white Permacloud we're in the middle of. There are so many jet planes with smoking engines these days. Maybe the FAA should look into it before one falls out of the sky like the U-2 did which revealed that secret and illegal overflight program when it couldn't be hidden any longer.
Those are actually trails of chemicals being sprayed out of modified jets and they are part of why your government is going bankrupt for a bunch of lunatic scientists and contractors.
The TSA and other nonsense was set up to intimidate you into not fighting what they're doing.
Notice that they're so concerned with cameras and "interests" ?
That's intimidation.
Take a photo, walk "there".
I'll hunt you with a camera to the ends of the earth for what you cost me and us... my life and an Empire.
Put it in my file.
Kashmir is going to backfire on you.
You know what they'll do this time. It won't be like WWI and WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
They'll turn the guns on you, the Germanic usurpers and their Jewish financiers.
I never really understood that whole Christmas truce sham.
They would stop killing each other for your dark order for a sham holiday or your creation superimposed on the holidays of Rome that you unlawfully toppled.
Yet, they wouldn't turn their guns on any non compliant officers and walk away, such is the con job you did of making it into us and them as you dined with your German cousins across Europe and eventually the North and South.
Then it was back to Europe in this late century.
Your puppet, the crazed Science Czar living in Falmouth, MA, is the real "useless eater" as he says, John P. Holdren.
Go back to California and spray them, you murderer.
Who the hell do you think you are spraying people and sticking your fingers in your Nazi ears ?
Remember, I know who you are and who you serve.
I know why you targeted me and who gave me that elixir now.
"This will stop what they did to you."
Who was "they", I pondered ?
Then I remembered the pieces, and it came together starting with being punched in the mouth at 5 in that criminal Catholic school with their Globalist songs.
If I had only known who the Sanhedrin were at 5 I could have had a smart answer ready as I clubbed her senseless even then.
I just stood there and took it like I always have right until 31 May 2008 when you killed him with your planes.
I know who you are and who you serve.
Right about now, Strauss-Kahn wishes he didn't, as he had been warned.
The first one is always the example for the rest.
There was once an Italian ham radio operator in Fairfax Virginia who knew so much, but didn't know about these sprays.
He pretended. Sending him these photos was like talking to a wall in denial.
He was only after whether I knew, anyway. And when he knew I did, his puppet masters at the CIA told him to stop.
And he vanished.
He feigned that he didn't know the descendants of Caesar walk the earth and watch and wait.
Here's another one by the Globalist puppets to scare you out of challenging the theft and crimes going on in the government and corporations, in the spirit of the words written by the Forbes shill I wrote about a few days ago.
A Tacoma seventh grader faced federal interrogation at school for what he posted on his Facebook page. His mom said it all happened without her knowledge or permission.
The kid is being used as a national tool to shut others up and (the paper pushers hope) and make them watch what they say.
That's the truth of the story.
The goal of this Tacoma story was to teach you to shut up or face inconvenience and questioning. I'll bet he's not flying to Disney World in peace again. He's likely on the contractor-run No Fly List / Blogger Bob Preferred Molestation List with Senator Ted Kennedy and the rest of the government officials on it.
These identity-checked driver licenses and DMV-issued identification cards are part of a federal program showing that the credential holders meet a federal identity standard that might be used in 2017 or later for entering federal buildings, boarding an airplane or doing commercial transactions. Six-year renewals of Connecticut licenses and IDs make it necessary to start the program now so that everyone has an opportunity to get the verification prior to 2017.
Or, maybe he can get his ham radio QSL cards in the mail as 4 US, 4 foreign then 2 US, 2 foreign, then one of each a day, then a month... even though mail flowed freely when the Soviets had tens of thousands of warheads targeted at the USA instead of the Russians who do now (yes that's sarcasm).
Maybe certain town police dispatchers who found his injuries funny will misuse the kill switch on his Uniden BCT15 police scanner on their shift when he's an adult, as reported here before this story on Infowars.
Yes, this month, a Forbes writer declared Americans should let them govern and here we are. Don't even express concern for someone. Keep out of their government. That means, you work, they govern. No entry, no exit. It's a closed class of governors, their financiers, publicists and security forces. How Soviet-American.
He's no doubt as qualified to analyze government as the English major son of someone my father worked with who also went to Trinity is qualified to dispense financial advice in Forbes with a BA in English. It's only the running joke of useless degrees of Garrison Keillor; ketchup and duct tape have more utility.
Do the obsequious fops and fools in government, security and media know that people spent $85,000 as they freeloaded with aid or military bills to get the same degrees as them and know their games ? Many of us outranked them by 90 percent and higher. Do they know some were maimed as I was, with full knowledge it would happen as an assassination for rejecting a life as a sock puppet ? That's a soft kill and the permanent disabling of a descendant of the Ottavianos that ruled the Roman Empire. That's a political assassination, given that I was told to run for Congress by 1998 and instead expressed my plan for law school to them.
Investigate the Bilderberg assassins and political hit men among us, laundering money and targeting innocent people that they then anger, and cut the harassment of kids out.
Enough said. It's ear-splitting on ads like the NIA ad. I wonder if it's worth playing them backwards and analyzing them too to see what else they hold to make your ears ring and cause sinus pressure. It's a strange choice of audio processing.
It's also odd that whenever a burst of Alex Jones commentary appears on the internet that he derides the people who question him as "mentally ill" and says "that's mentally ill." That's kind of a last line of defense... and it sounds like Hitler.
It's odd that Jones is so fixated on the Emperor Nero that a week (if not days) doesn't go by without a slam against Nero, and therefore, the end of a strong and expanding Roman Empire.
Nero did execute Christians. They were breaking the law. It's not hard to understand and hardly rises to gassing Americans' lungs with Geoengineering chemical spraying, or bailing out banks while you threaten to not issue Social Security checks in August.
Alex has all the corporate publishing house lies about Nero down; Jones' wife is Jewish. It's a disappointing coincidence.
His presumed source Tacitus was the Emperor Domitian's historian and Tacitus' historiography is biased to who his patron was and against the Julio-Claudians... all of them.
The origin of the dreadful conflagration at Rome (A. D. 64) is uncertain. It is hardly credible that the city was fired by Nero's order, though Dion and Suetonius both attest the fact, but these writers are always ready to believe a scandalous tale. Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 15.38) leaves the matter doubtful. The fire originated in that part of the circus which is contiguous to the Caelian and Palatine hills, and of the fourteen regiones of Rome three were totally destroyed, and in seven others only a few halfburnt houses remained. A prodigious quantity of property and valuable works of art were burnt, and many lives were lost. The emperor set about rebuilding the city on an improved plan, with wider streets, though it is doubtful if the salubrity of Rome was improved by widening the streets and making the houses lower, for there was less protection against the heat.
Yet there were some who for a long time decorated his tomb with spring and summer flowers, and now produced his statues on the rostra in the fringed toga, and now his edicts, as if he were still alive and would shortly return and deal destruction to his enemies. Nay more, Vologaesus, king of the Parthians, when he sent envoys to the senate to renew his alliance, earnestly begged this too, that honour be paid to the memory of Nero. In fact, twenty years later, when I was a young man, a person of obscure origin appeared, who gave out that he was Nero, and the name was still in such favour with the Parthians that they supported him vigorously and surrendered him with great reluctance.
That's not the part that Jones chants, and they fall apart when again compared to just this one source written before the Politically Correct-era:
In his youth Nero was instructed in all the liberal knowledge of the time except philosophy; and he was turned from the study of the old Roman orators by his master Seneca. Accordingly, he applied himself to poetry, and Suetonius says that his verses were not made for him, as some suppose, for the biographer had seen and examined some of Nero's writing-tablets and small books, in which the writing was in his own hand, with many erasures and cancellings and interlineations. He had also skill in painting and modelling. Though profuse and fond of pomp and splendour, Nero had apparently some taste. The Apollo Belvedere and the Fighting Gladiator, as it is called, by Agasias, were found in the ruins of a villa at Antium, which is conjectured to have belonged to Nero. (See Thiersch, Ueber die Epochen der Bildenden Kunst, &c. p. 312, 2d ed.)
Alex Jones, a radio talk-show host who organized the dlrs 92,000 volunteer effort to build the church, named Doyle a trustee during the dedication ceremony.
So, where I am going with this ?
Cut the post-WWII Jewish-spun corporate publishing house and editor invented and biased Nero propaganda. The only people who today chant the biased Nero tale are Christians of a certain ilk, and Jews. And mostly, they're Christians.
It's a bore that lights up the night like a warning flare... even if that's not the intention. I fear it is.
And what's with that slightly suspicious association with Russia Today ?
They suckered millions into the transitional technology of the mercury hazard CFL bulbs which are likely a safety hazard too given RF measurements and their continuous duty cycle...
And now they're heading toward requiring you to replace them in the medium term with $50 dollar LED bulbs instead of the proven tech that gives off heat.
Their demonstrations at the LightFair trade show in Philadelphia this week mean that brighter LED bulbs will likely go on sale next year, but after a government ban takes effect.
Sure. They want to force you to buy them if you're not otherwise prepared.
The new bulbs will also be expensive — about $50 each — so the development may not prevent consumers from hoarding traditional bulbs...
To encourage energy efficiency, Congress passed a law in 2007
mandating that bulbs producing 100 watts worth of light meet certain
efficiency goals, starting in 2012. Conventional light bulbs don't
meet those goals, so the law will prohibit making or importing them.
The same rule will start apply to remaining bulbs 40 watts and above
in 2014. Since January, California has already banned stores from
They didn't get their martial law worthy response in the fall of 2008 and are trying again.
The Obama administration will begin to tap federal retiree programs to help fund operations after the government lost its ability Monday to borrow more money from the public, adding urgency to efforts in Washington to fashion a compromise over the debt.
Stage two of the planned economic collapse is under way, with the long-dead Bin Laden and the Adobe file birth certificate sham used as circus and planned in part at Bilderberg 2008.
The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Ok.) said yesterday that it was Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson who personally told Congressmen that there would be martial law in America if they did not pass the bailout of the banks as demanded by the Bush Administration. On Oct. 2, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) said on the House floor that "Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple of thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no."
Now, Senator Inhofe, speaking on KFAQ radio station in Tulsa, has confirmed who it was that issued this threat. The interview host Pat Campbell asked Infhofe, "Somebody in D.C. was feeding you guys quite a story prior to the bailout, a story that if we didn't do this we were going to see something on the scale of the depression, there were people talking about martial law being instituted, civil unrest. Who was feeding you guys this stuff?"
Inhofe replied, "That's Henry Paulson. We had a conference call early on, it was on a Friday I think--a week and half before the vote on Oct. 1. So it would have been ... the 19th of September, we had a conference call. In this conference call and I guess there's no reason for me not to repeat what he said, but he said, he painted this picture you just described. He said, This is serious. This is the most serious thing that we faced."
Their ancestors illegally overthrew Rome in 476. They tried on 11 September 9 by illegally destroying three Roman Legions totaling 30,000 soldiers under the leadership of the man who created modern Europe, Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano Augusto (Augustus Caesar).
They attempted it again in 68 by assassinating (sic.) Nero. In 475 through 480 they murdered Julius Nepos, replacing him with their own German puppet Romulus Augustus before kidnapping and killing him, and seating their own German arses on the thrones of Europe while pretending all Roman leadership was dead for 1943 years as they occupied inherited thrones they concocted, including those of Greece and Russia.
After 1943 years of pillage and murder and assassination, they're out to finish the plan. They started as Germanic tribes, and have morphed through history leading to the Nazis, Bilderberg and Globalists.
Despite Connecticut's retention of the less extensive renewal process, Philip Berns, a Stamford immigration attorney, said he feared the program is likely to result in the revocation of licenses for a wide group of both illegal and legal immigrants working and living in Connecticut towns.
Berns said the Real ID concept is a flawed method of foiling terrorists from getting helpful credentials because of the ability to purchase legitimate paperwork on the black market to obtain licenses.
Foreign born passengers could still board airplanes with international passports, he said.
"You've done nothing to slow them down from getting on planes and crashing into buildings," Berns said.
How about this.
You overthrew my family, the rulers of the Roman Empire.
Their name is Ottaviano. You're killing one with lung cancer right now in another slow kill assassination.
You ignored for 1943 years, but I'm going to make sure you can't for maiming me and murdering my father to distract us more. I know the plan. I was told the plan in 1995 by who died in 1996. Excuse me, readers, if I speak in riddles due to others' privacy from time to time.
I've had to show my ID multiple times in my life like a slave, in the old "this column, this column", etc., saw, as Barry Soetoro dba Barack Obama has operated with a Connecticut Social Security Number without having admitting lived there and is therefore engaged in fraud, a felony.
You're the slaves. You're usurpers. You're a coup d'etat that wasn't fought for 1943 years. You had armies ignorant of the truth killing each other as a profiteering distraction when they should have trained their swords first, and then their guns, on you.
You know who I am. You knew the day I was born.
I wasn't meeting with the bin Ladens like the Bushes were the morning of the Battle of Manhattan. If anyone is so bloody stupid as to think the use of the date of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest was random, I'll be reselling the bridge (to a ham radio money grubber) that Paul Craig Roberts has proffered twice.
The Real ID Act was enacted by Congress in 2005, in response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon, to require state motor vehicle officials nationwide to create a process to check the legal immigration or citizenship status during license application or forfeit federal recognition of the documents for official purposes such as travel.
You staged 9/11 as a false flag and used the date of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest to send a message.
Blow your ID out your asses. Nazi Germanics who worship Hermann demand ID.
I don't show you an ID to shop. I don't get frisked to shop after you tried to assassinate me.
You'll get my maimed neuropathy damaged right fist in your mouth in 2017.
And the rest of you better stop laughing at this blog, get off your asses and fight by pen or sword.
Where do you Globalist usurpers that attempted to murder me in 1997 to 1998 get off telling a descendant of the Ottavianos that he's going to need a Nazi-backed Gold Star to do "commercial transactions" in 2017 ?
Are your Jewish Bilderberg usurpers in Orleans, Massachusetts going to ? I want to see them do it, because you're already waving usurpers through the security lines and we all know it.
What if, instead, the Empire decides to do to you what you did to the Empire ?
Rome will burn you like you burned Rome before it's over.
Two years ago I sold someone a HF radio. He told me he was going to use it for SO2R.
Little did I know that what every one said about him was true. He sold it at a profit two weeks later.
Try taking it to the grave. Octavian couldn't save an Empire from the present coup.
He used the radio two weeks, then resold it for $250 more than he gave me, as if I was a moron.
On 31 May 2008 the government murdered my father for telling the media about the NSA and DHS stalking long before it was in the press using two fighters that flew over seconds before he grabbed his stomach and collapsed shaking himself face down in the dirt. You bet I just said that.
With no pension the ham had to de facto steal with these known properties:
And the lot next door there at another $200,000
And a golden parachute from the UTC MIC thieves.
He needed to steal $250 from a maimed "fellow" ham with a dead father and no pension ?
He's a retired Military Industrial Complex "Austrian". No, actually he's another crooked Jewish coward behaving like a bastard saying he's "Austrian".
He's a Jew like the ones that assassinated my ancestors. You knew that was coming.
He's why I now speak the truth about his ethnicity. Every one of them that I've dealt with in good faith was a dirtbag from the one that maimed me for this government to the one in the ER that cut me open when a nurse yelled "no !" and down the line.
Palestinians ! This descendant of Octavian wishes you luck as you kick the crap out of these racists.
When they're down, kick them again to be sure, as a friend once told me in high school.
Every Muslim and Arab I ever sent a ham radio QSL to answered me (with no dumb excuses either). Thirty percent of Jews and Israelis did.
Little did they know my family should have crushed them when we had the chance until 68.
I acted in good faith. No more.
NSTAR, allow one more power surge by these freaks and you'll answer to the people who gave me the antidote to the assassination attempt on me.
The USA is very worried about representation for those their European family and banker handlers don't inherently fear. Native Americans from 10,000 to present day must be represented fairly. Romans from 3000 years ago to present day must be ignored and rendered persona non grata at all costs, including murdering innocent people like me.
History for the coup d'etat starts in 476 when they seated themselves after kidnapping and assassinating two Roman Emperors in a year. As part of this coup d'etat, they ignore those who ruled before they broke the law to seize control and wealth.
Their Germanic ancestors and their Jewish partners rioted, rioted, and rioted some more, before embarking on outright assassination against Roman government officials to seize power to this day. They did this in fits and starts in 9, 68, 410 and 476 to 2011.
Think about this. They are illegal. Everything you know is a fraud. They are the usurpers. How does law spring from those who are in power by seizing it illegally ? In their biographies and books, they literally say they are descended from the Goth and Visigoth kings that staged unlawful coups against Rome.
Try doing it to them now for their murder, pillage, rape, looting and conspiracy, especially since the fall of 2008. Their mentally defective security forces wouldn't even understand that a government is not lawful if it's built on 1943 years of fraud.
The bankers and families that rule the planet solely by the tip of gun because they are illegal usurpers of the Roman Empire send members to Bilderberg now.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Why is this country sending government officials to confer with descendants of the families of Europe that assassinated members of my family, the Julio Claudian officials of the Roman Empire ?
The Cape Cod National Seashore staff wanted to include the Cape's big picture from the glacial period to the modern day in their renovated Salt Pond Visitor Center.
So they included the Wampanoag, who have been on the Cape and Islands for more than 10,000 years.
"In my opinion, the story of the native people has been pretty vacant," Seashore Superintendent George Price said. "We felt it was a major omission."
This government, dominated by Bilderberg, Solomons, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers, is only is concerned with giving recognition to those who won't challenge it and their intermarried sham.
They know that the Native tribes represent no political threat. They think that a politically trained, angry, maimed Ottaviano descendant is an issue. The irony is, they created me by wet working me. I had nothing to say before recent events made it impossible to ignore.
Unless you're content to work in menial work, they try to murder and disable out of paranoia as they did to me in 1997 to 1998.
US agents: What do you think will happen if Italians read this ? Do you think they'll dump the Socialist government you back ? Do you think they'll tell you to stop bombing countries from "NATO" bases as they did a few weeks ago ?
You fear the truth you smothered for 1943 years about people named Ottaviano (and others who ruled before the Germans and Jews you serve, too).
If they admit an Ottaviano to Bilderberg or even acknowledge our existence as they pretend to be "heads of state", their house of cards of global government, false wars, fake man- made imposed religious bureaucracy, murder and looting collapses.