Sunday, March 06, 2011

"Who am I ? Why am I here ?"

Poor Admiral Stockdale.

If only James Stockdale, George Will, Pat Buchanan and others including me, knew that we should write articles and analyze without telling anyone who we are, as if we were hiding something.


There's an old saying from bureaucrats, "trust me I'm from the government."

Winning ?

Or Hiding ?

Why is information on Alex Jones so sketchy when we know everything about Rush Limbaugh ? Or Charles Coughlin; John Batchelor; Sean Hannity, or even Glenn Beck ?

Why do we know where they went to school, whether they finished, and what they snorted if anything ? I even know who George Will's friends are because I do.

Where did Jones and company work ? What community college was that again ? Who knew him there ? Why was a non graduate propelled along and financed ? Why get in an FBI agent's face at Waco ? Why not get arrested for it ?

And where has that Texas accent gone compared to ten years ago ? Strange.

Why are we treated to Canadian James Corbett residing in Japan as an "English teacher," or Tony Cartalucci, who despite searching is truly another Mr X residing in Asia, without question or backing ?

What are their credentials to be leading the millions that Alex Jones claims as listeners and readers, which I do believe to be true, to an extent.

Who are these masked men ? It would be nice if they all presented why the rest of us should be listening to them.

This is not to say they are nefarious operators but rather to ask why they wear virtual balaclavas.


Or Winning.

Or Whining.


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