Monday, March 07, 2011

DXpeditions: not just an adventure, a job (for some...)

The crew about to operate from Sierra Leone as 9L5MS produced a video. It's nice job using Toto's Africa.

At 2:12 into the video we learn the illegal truth about DXpeditions since it's operating for pay if it isn't to cover costs or donated after.

The guys say that after their previous DXpedition to Liberia that they had enough money from sponsors and hams to sponsor a hospital in Liberia.

Good for them.

That's moral. There's nothing wrong with what they did.

It also verifies what is wrong.

It verifies my longstanding assertion that besides stealing cash from the CIA, DIA and NSA and other contractors that gave some DXpeditions access, that hams operating as rare DXpeditions after 9/11 used their revenues from QSL cards for illegality like station upgrades and new houses.

Where else did it go when many suddenly bought vacation homes, and new stations yet ran veritable garbage before that date ?

Thanks to the internet it was much easier to watch occur than from 1987 to around 2001.


The Porcaros were from Connecticut. Unfortunately, Jeff died from a response to insecticide. As someone maimed by the chemical company Merck and nearly killed, I daresay the company is the issue in all cases, not the victim.

You're just collateral damage to more Bilderberg Globalist pigs.

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