Sunday, November 27, 2011

Government attacks citizens with weekend chemtrail barrage

It was a busy night as ambulances plied their trade throughout due to the rapid and overblown resumption of chemical spraying after self serving government corporate sham Thanksgiving.

The lunatics took their self declared Thanksgiving off, of course, and resumed in force on Friday.

They continued on Saturday.

Their dumps have resulted in interference to radio propagation in the form of rapid crackling, and their occasional stimulating noise burst as well.

I notice the dispatchers are making a point of recording what people's histories are now as they dispatch; you're not fooling me.

Establishing a false chain of custody isn't going to change the real cause of light headedness, tachycardia or the rest. Being told by your handlers to diagnose on the fly is nonsense. "The patient has diabetes, so that's why they're light headed." Well, I guess it wasn't chemtrails then, right ? Wrong.

This is saying that because people have underlying conditions, the symptoms seen over and over and the sudden spike in ambulance runs on spray days can't be from something different, or new. If the person had the symptom previously, even though they're joining in by having it along with everyone else on a spray day, the previous normal cause must be the current cause.


Why take them to the hospital, if you've already diagnosed ? It's pitiful pandering to derail anyone from dealing with this spraying that you all know and ignore.

How do you scientist criminals and your pilots kill and maim US citizens that pay your salaries, yet you expect not to be killed and maimed in return and then have the nerve to go pretend with your children and grandchildren ?

It's some "conspiracy theory" when all the patents are available, millions know, thousands post videos and images, and now a Law School admits it.

Stop maiming people or be maimed yourselves. We don't have to take your violence in the name of pseudo-science.


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