Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BND derails Gehlen org investigation by shredding files it decided were "unimportant" (because their names were linked to them)

As I've said repeatedly among others, the Bormann plan of post World War II economic control in conjunction with Gehlen organization intelligence control is being executed at this time.

This means ultimate victory after 1535 years for these supremacist adherents of the traitor to Rome and my family, Arminius. The plan's acceleration was signaled by the September 11 economic attacks under Germanic control.

The U.S. government has omitted the truth for a decade, and backstopped "9/11," executed during the days of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 when Rome was forced from Germany despite having a lawful peace with the usurpers. They pretend the top of the chain was the construct "al Qaeda" and not the Germanic and Jewish families actually staging it.

Now the BBC says that Gehlen org files were destroyed thereby breaking the link between then, and now.

Investigators have found that in 2007 the German Intelligence Service (BND) destroyed files of 250 BND employees who had been in the Nazi SS or Gestapo.

The BND confirmed the loss, calling it "regrettable and annoying".

Four independent historians are investigating the BND's old links with the Nazis. They say some of the missing papers concern suspected war criminals.

Why shred them in 2007 ? Why admit it now as Germany's mastery is openly admitted. Why were they destroyed right before the economic attack plan went into effect in the fall of 2008 ?

The answer is clear.

Present-day Nazis, now in their 60s, shredded the files of their masters and tutors that implicate them and the present employees involvement in the 10 August 1944 plan. The mere fact that this has come out in the midst of the families angling for power and destruction of sovereignty should stir the utmost suspicion in anyone.

They said the BND should consult them before shredding any more documents, and called for a full investigation into the 2007 incident.

One of the historians, Dresden Professor Klaus-Dietmar Henke, said "it is not the case that the BND somehow deliberately destroyed the files of all those with Nazi links".

The professor is covering up the truth himself. He's steering people away from those he's "investigating" by his statements, even if they're true, which is doubtful. How does he know what's in files that were shredded that he says they haven't seen ? This is like saying the National Archive records that Clinton wanted gone jumped into Sandy Berger's pants.

According to the BND, the destroyed files relate to about 2% of the archive currently being investigated by the historians. The files were destroyed because they were not deemed to be worth keeping, the BND said.

The investigation into the BND's Nazi roots began in February.

February. That's strange. I wonder who started it ? I wonder what name had to be thrown behind it, after so many spoke for so long only to be ignored ? But now we see the fruits are a greater cover up by those "investigating" it. They will deny and put an official end to the truth, or most of it.

Shredding was the start.

Reinhard Gehlen, who set up the BND after World War II, spied on the Soviet Union for the Nazis during the war.

About 10% of BND recruits during the Cold War had previously served in the SS, the German news website Spiegel reports.

It was more than that. Then add in their proteges, and their proteges... and you have quite the little Brotherhood.


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