Friday, November 25, 2011

CIA beggars their neighbor after looting Treasury for ten years

CIA officers are asking people to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of the first American killed in the Afghan war by donating to help the children of their fellow fallen...

They must be kidding.

What about every patriotic sap killed for a staged lie in WWII thanks to Donovan ? What did they get ? They didn't even get a comparable salary !

Pay the damn bills yourself like my single income schoolteacher father did, you Gehlen org thieves. You support the unlawful Germanic coup in place since 68 against my family with every move you make for your Globalist handlers.

The clandestine world rarely breaks its silence, especially when it comes to family, but the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation notes about 56 children of those killed in the line of duty will need educational support over the next 17 years...

Spann is survived by his wife, Shannon, a retired CIA officer, and three children.

My mother had a stroke, this government maimed me, and my father dropped dead after two of their fighters flew over him hundreds of miles away from their home.

And this woman was able to retire from the CIA, yet is begging ? Where is she working now ?


They make well over $50,000 a year to start, and far higher once they're established. This is what is known as theft. Look only to myriad ham radio operators the last ten years who were involved in this bloodsucking who went from double wides to Mount Vernon like palaces a few years into the looting.

This as they kill and maim with impunity abroad, and at home with their high altitude jet dumps in the name of HAARP and corporate declared "global warming".

Your Jewish-concocted monotheistic God was used to overthrow and then gut Rome under Gothic Christians, inserting every Christian holiday on a Roman holiday date and then lying to the ignorant for 1600 years to control them using fear of hell.

The now fascist nation it begot destroyed my health, giving me cardiomyopathy, neuropathy and vasculitis, an enlarged heart and internal bleeding staged through Bormann group run Merck. They took my future under Rome, or now, Mrs. Spann.

We're penniless. My mother gets $63 a month from this government and you dare beg ?

Based on this and your association with Billy Graham, it appears that all you know how to do is beg for cash.

What a disappointment.


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