Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mainstream media openly declaring an "elite" !

These words in the Hartford Courant with its lickspittle politesse frankly shock me.

That means people didn't move across town, across the state, or, in Connecticut elites' constant worry, flee to Sunbelt states. Fewer than 12 percent of Americans moved from 2010 to 2011 — compared with about 20 percent who moved in a single year at the high points in the 1950s and 1980s.

The rampant use of the term "elite" is absurd. Now we are being told that not only is there an admitted elite, but the plebs are worrying them ?

Maybe the reporter reads Infowars where it is fairly warranted due to what's being said, but when the Courant says it it's an insult to millions.

How dare mainstream corporate reporters declare those who run them as puppets to be "elite."

Define elite. Where does it begin and end ?

If the corporate fascist Bormann group managed coup steals your life and won't give you a job interview in a grocery store (years before I ever stopped taking their shit by writing here), but you have their degree, higher rank and owe nothing, are you the "elite" ?

If you're descended from the Roman officials they assassinated and the Empire they destroyed for their own power and wealth when they were wearing furs, are you the "elite" ? We were first.

How about those who were our soldiers' families ? Are they "elite" ?

They defeated and policed the Germans and Jews now defined as the "elite" by fools. Maybe they should again.

William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution who helped analyze the data for the Census, said he wouldn't attribute Connecticut residents' leaving to high taxes or unhappiness with the quality of life. In fact, he said Connecticut elites shouldn't even necessarily think of outmigration as a sign of a problem. It is in Michigan, but not in Connecticut, he said, where the high education levels, high earnings and continued success in drawing residents from New York all tell a different story.

There it is again ! We can be certain of their meaning.

I have news for them. They're no "elite". They're usurpers of law and Empire. Shall we meet again in Teutoburg and finish the job satisfactorily to Rome, this time ? World War II taught them nothing...


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