Thursday, March 03, 2011

Constructing the New Saddam

In Gaddafi bombs oil areas, faces crimes probe, we see the clear construction of another Saddam Hussein through the usual stages.

Even though Russia says that their satellite imagery indicates no direct aerial bomb attacks by Gaddafi as claimed by the USA media, the USA continues to build Gaddafi into the new Saddam.

Muammar Gaddafi struck at rebel control of a key Libyan coastal road for a second day Thursday but received a warning he would be held to account at The Hague for suspected crimes by his security forces.

Will Merck staff and officers, many of whom are Nazi descendants, face the Hague for using genetic weapons to wet work people that Globalists no longer find subservient and therefore a perceived danger ?

In Paris, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said France and Britain would support the idea of setting up a no-fly zone over Libya if Gaddafi's forces continued to attack civilians.

Now that (a) Saddam was ostensibly executed despite the US government itself saying there were in fact multiple Saddams, the USA needs a new country to enforce "no fly zones", to determine which helicopters are allowed to fly and where, and to create the conditions for invasion.

In The Hague, International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said Gaddafi and members of his inner circle, including some of his sons, could be investigated for alleged crimes committed since the uprising broke out in mid-February.

Talk of issuing criminal warrants for Gaddafi and Company is a farce insofar as there is still no warrant for Osama bin Laden for 9/11, only for the terror attacks on the embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998.

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

It will serve only to send in more forces to try to find him and provide a justification for invasion as in Panama and Manuel Noriega, or full fledged war as with Saddam. The latter is of course preferable to the Military Industrial Complex warned of by President Eisenhower, as it provides an opportunity to sell materiel, test materiel and rotate through materiel.

"We have identified some individuals in the de facto or former authority who have authority over the security forces who allegedly committed the crimes," Moreno-Ocampo said.

"They are Muammar Gaddafi, his inner circle including some of his sons, who had this de facto authority. There are also some people with formal authority who should pay attention to crimes committed by their people."

Libyan government spokesman Musa Ibrahim told BBC Radio the news from The Hague was "close to a joke."

"No fact-finding mission has been sent to Libya. No diplomats, no ministers, no NGOs or organizations of any type were sent to Libya to check the facts ... No one can be sent to prison based on media reports," he said.

That's right but don't confuse facts with the handy tool of using arrest to discredit people who are then never or barely convicted as in the case of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

By the time you're removed from power, you've been tried and convicted by the media and you're done for anyway, unless you're Marion Barry and actually were convicted, and served six months. He was then given a time served pass by the media that stalks others to the ends of the earth like Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen.

Talk of issuing a warrant is a farce when a federal judge said "Building what ?" in response to discussion of the magic self destructing Building 7 that housed the CIA, NY Emergency Management and the rest, and then Donald Rumsfeld followed it up with the same responses last week with Mancow.

It's like them saying "Ottaviano who ?" if they even answered for their ancestors' coup against Rome that gave them their stolen wealth and pretend offices and titles.

The uprising, the bloodiest yet against long-serving rulers in the Middle East and North Africa, has torn through the OPEC-member country and knocked out nearly 50 percent of its 1.6 million barrels per day output, the bedrock of Libya's economy.

Once again the media fixates on command at justifying the oil scam. It's not the "oil weapon" of 1973. It's the "oil propaganda weapon", where the dim witted or distracted public is sold on 2 percent of the world's oil impacting the other 98 percent and causing large and rapid price increases. That oil hasn't even been delivered as crude let alone refined and delivered as gas. It won't be until late Spring. The gas being jacked up now was produced months ago and paid for months ago by the companies. Still, these lies and half truths serve to stir up the public. Indeed, a very unbiased Jewish ham radio operator who is an engineer at WBZ was heard on the air just yesterday saying that Libya should be "nuked" for this.

That's the corporate media you listen to !

I'd say he has Libya confused with NY commodity traders or the Bilderberg Goth cabal that overthrew Rome and that decided this course at their 2008 meeting.

As a conservative, one knows that the goal is create new credit markets for a faltering Ponzi scheme of an economy. Indeed, waiting just over the Kuwaiti border before the invasion of Iraq were containers of goods such as Dell computers, for example. These were to be sold on credit to the Iraqi government to permanently create the sham bonds of trade that the USA lies and says will prevent "democracies" from fighting each other, if only the USA was a democracy and not drifting ever farther from its foundation as a republic since 1865.

At a meeting with adoring loyalists in Tripoli Wednesday, Gaddafi slammed "armed gangsters" he said were behind the unrest as part of a plot to colonize Libya and grab its oil, and said if foreigners intervened "another Vietnam will begin."

Threats like these make one ponder whether Gaddafi is just taking more orders and will simply disappear, rather than ever see a jail cell or feigned execution. As we all know, domestic police (when they are corrupt) who are also a large pool of past, current and future US soldiers like to work even innocent people up in order to get something, anything , to validate their time spent in front of you. By causing Gaddafi to make real or staged threats they create justification. After all, he threatened an "officer" ! Officer safety ! Breach of peace !

Italy said it was preparing for a potential mass exodus of migrants escaping turmoil in North Africa after a rise in flows of illegal immigrants from Tunisia, the initial destination for tens of thousands who have fled violence in Libya.

Save The Children and Medecins Sans Frontieres said they were struggling to get medicines and care to Libya's needy, with gunmen blocking roads and civilians too scared to seek help.

As with the Kurds and the Bosnians, always construct a pool of "innocent" refugees doing what the USA would never tolerate from its own citizens and indeed threatened against in the fall of 2008 as they prepared to steal the nation's wealth by Globalist design.

Then create a bogeyman as with Saddam in Iraq or the Serbian, Slobodan Milosevic who mysteriously died in prison after repeated strange illnesses.

"Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldier-turned-rebel Nasr Ali, referring to a no-fly zone imposed on Iraq in 1991 by then U.S. President George Bush.

That brings your "officials" full circle with the "need" for no fly zones, arms sales to minorities that the USA takes arms away from domestically, and the other points made here.


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