Saturday, March 05, 2011

Alex Jones says Mafia, but don't you say Jewish

On his Friday show thanks to a person in Massachusetts (of all the least likely bastions of fascism) Alex Jones was motivated to tell his listeners how to think in exacting detail.

As he repeated "Mafia" over and over and insulted Italians by saying the only way we could get power was through organized crime while explaining who is running Globalism, he reprimanded the listener for saying "Jews" and "Jewish."

You are to say "Globalist," not "Jews" or "Jewish Globalists". But he can say "Mafia" and infer that Italians can't get anywhere without organized crime.

Leave the Jewishness out of it even as he tosses around "Israeli" and an Italian word for organized crime as he has with "Cosa Nostra". The two are absolutely linked and used to condition a reflex response against Italians and therefore, Rome.

That's when it started. The nineteenth century word was just the latest tool of Victorian Protestants concocted to continue the anti-Papal drum beat.

So, once again, another Anglo reveals his little pet groups like Jews (but maybe not Israelis, who can tell) and Hispanics.

He sounded like a Bush acts. That's when they're not killing the two groups I mentioned through Merck, IG Farben, and crooked governments.

The American Anglo-Jewish establishment has spent 150 years beating up Italians. In fact, he listed groups like the Portuguese in his defense of ethnic groups but his only use for Italians was to say Mafia a few times more.

Throw in a claim of Mayflower descent and you have what is done to Italians here in leaky-boat-of-religious-rejects from-England-Massachusetts.

It's more anti-Roman, anti-Italian hate by evangelical Protestants.

People are a mixed bag.

Don't tell people how to think because the FBI came by the studio and told you "be nice".

In 68, Jews assassinated a member of my family and sold a lie through academics for 1500 years that he killed himself. It was the first attempt at a coup that took until 476 to complete when they helped Germans abduct and murder two Emperors they had seated.

Back in the 20th century, an Israeli was my favorite professor. Alex Jones professes not to like Israelis as he did on the show on Friday. I got two A pluses and a offer to work in Middle Eastern intelligence. Guess where ? He doesn't like them, either.

So far, it's only acceptable to like Jews he likes using his Friday rules.

An American Jew was my advisor.

But then an American Zionist Jew told me to get out of an Arab-Israeli history class he was failing because I didn't "have a dog in the fight."

Eh ?

In 1998, a Jewish Army doctor murdered me when he and his partner in crime (who thought Hitler was a hoot), wet worked me for Globalist Visigoth / German Merck.

In 2001, another Jewish doctor got a good sadistic grin on slicing me open as a nurse asked what the hell he was doing opening me up after just administering an anesthetic. He kept ignoring as he kept slicing my skin open.

I never saw him there again, as in kaput. Gone. We don't need you.

Do you see where it went ? It went downhill as the "Globalists," who do in fact appear awfully Jewish, took hold.

But it's OK for Alex Jones to say Mafia this and Italian that as he did in the same broadcast ? And to say the only way Italians could get power was through organized crime ?

That's a good one, oppressor.

That sounds about the same as what the "former" Nazi Pope said this week, when he blamed "Roman rulers" for what the Jews demanded be done with a man named Jesus.

There are other words for "Mafia", and they are "organized crime" and "mob", but Alex Jones chooses to kick Italians in the ass with his Soprano-esque statements.

Don't tell your listeners how to think. The mere fact that you do shows you're an asset or scared and under control as a retired spook told me when he warned me to "watch out".

But that's all "mentally ill" as you declared on the show about your listeners.

Read about Charles Coughlin. Read it very carefully.

It was 30 million to zero in a year.

Tick tock. The premeditated sparring with Beck and others will only go so far with people who actually were trained in the field.


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