Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bysiewicz gives to her own campaign by using her childrens' names

Susan Bysiewicz caused an AED and ambulance to take 15 minutes to travel 1000 feet to my father, Sam Cassarino, by which time he was long since in Elysium ("heaven" to the pagans).

My stroke injured mother now gets $62 (she corrected me yesterday) a month from this wonderful government, instead of $3600 which was her sole income before the $62 that isn't going to the spook Christmas parties that I just wrote about.

Bysiewicz's three children - Ava being the oldest - have each kicked in the maximum $7,500 to their mother's campaign this year, reports filed with the Federal Election Commission show.

Wow ! I didn't have that kind of money to give to a candidate during Trinity, even if it was my father that Bysiewicz helped bury by depriving him as the AED was standing by for her in Killingly, on 31 May 2008.

It looks like what she actually did was to use her childrens' names to circumvent the intention of the campaign finance laws and pad her own campaign chest.

Then there's this pandering.

In a fundraising email sent out Tuesday by Susan Bysiewicz's campaign
for the 2012 Democratic U.S. Senate nomination, Bysiewicz's daughter,
Ava Bysiewicz Donaldson, says that “we need people like my mom in
Washington" and asks, "Can you support my mom's campaign today with a
contribution of $25, $50, or $100?"

Apparently the indecisive Bysiewicz, who ran for one office then another in the same year when a "better" one opened, learned nothing from my father who she helped kill about honesty or citizenship.

She also failed to extrapolate that publicly funded fire equipment is for all, not to ignore an actual emergency, in case you have one.


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