Monday, November 07, 2011

Oh no ! They're angry. (That's not allowed in the Land of the Happy People)

Anger Increasing In Last Few Towns Still Without Power


"CL&P doesn't seem to see the urgency in this situation," said Stafford First Selectman Michael Krol, where 33 percent of Connecticut Light & Power customers still didn't have power 10 days after a destructive October snowstorm. "I don't think we've ever seen this level of incompetence from CL&P."


Bloomfield Mayor Sydney Schulman, speaking at a press conference Monday to complain that 30 percent of the town was still cold and in the dark, said CL&P's response was "screwed up and antiquated."


"This is all about money," West Hartford Mayor Scott Slifka said, furious over a comment by a CL&P representative who told him the town would have to pay the company if its crews were to help clean up fallen limbs and brush along the roadways. "This borders on criminal." Thirty-three percent of the town was still without power Monday.

Shill aspiring to a corporate counsel position:

..."We're not happy," Tolland Town Manager Steven Werbner said in droll understatement. Twenty-six percent of his town was without power early in the day Monday. Frustration is so rampant that Werbner told employees to hang up on any caller who used foul language.

Resign if words bother you at this time, but cold citizens don't ten days after a government modified storm.

You see, Mr. Werbner and his law degree aspire to a job at CL&P when this is over.

The question of his calm after his outbursts is made manifest by the question, cui bono ?


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