Tuesday, November 08, 2011

CL&P "customer service" means taking your money

This is great. The Hartford Courant is acting like an actual investigative newspaper the last few days, as the power restoration devolved into one millionaire on corporate welfare's lie after another.

Connecticut Light & Power Co. spent more than $65 million in recent years to improve customer service and reliability, but not a dime of that went to improving how it responds to massive power outages, like the ones that followed Tropical Storm Irene and the October snowstorm.

Those millions went to overhauling customer billling systems, enhancing customer access to account information online and improving customer interaction with CL&P on the telephone.

"This wasn't about disaster response," said Richard E. Sobolewski, supervisor of technical analysis, at the state's Office of Consumer Counsel, which represents utility ratepayers. "It's clear they need improvement in that area, on communication with town officials and getting information to them."

Translation: CL&P spent millions to take your money as efficiently as they possibly could as I identified using Butler's biography the other night.

I believe when I was younger, that was known as "billing" and fixing outages was "customer service".

Now they're doing you a customer service by taking your money.


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