The same people and Globalist corporations who don't dare say Merry Christmas then go around two months later saying Happy Valentine's Day. Now, some of them might have said Merry Christmas but if they said Happy Holidays, it's not going to cut it. Even a mouse over of the Google Doodle shows it says Happy Valentine's Day yet they said Happy Holidays at Christmas.
Both holidays were Roman.
Both were replaced with Christian substitutions once the Roman Empire was eliminated in an unlawful coup d'etat that the perpetrators' descendants would never tolerate now and prevent through their parasitic high school graduate level security forces.
Saint Valentine's Day is named for (likely the many) Saint Valentines, all Roman law breakers, like Jesus. Indeed, there were several men known by that name in similar roles.
In 496, shortly after the Empire was usurped through an unlawful coup d'etat and temporal and spiritual power split and handed in part to the Pope, the holiday was declared by Pope Gelasius I after he abolished the Roman feast Lupercalia.
He replaced the Roman feast of purification and fertility, Lupercalia, in part with Candlemas to celebrate the purification of the Virgin Mary and Saint Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day, given the dates of Lupercalia as the 13th to the 15th, was the direct replacement for the Roman feast.
There were 14 criminals of Rome named Valentine and recognized by the usurper Church and Visigoths (by that time Ostrogoths) for their power and profit to this day.
Now, is that not the same story as that of Jesus ?
So why are the same scoundrels who refuse to say Merry Christmas so fast to say Happy Valentine's Day other than their status as ignorant corporate morons ?
In fact, in recent years the aisles of "crap" as one customer eloquently said near me in a store here yesterday have equaled Christmas decorations !
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