The defendants are being held in the brig at Fort Hamilton until they are arraigned later today in court.
Wow. This is an honor that wasn't even reserved for the five dancing IDF members detained and then mysteriously ordered released on 9/11 after they danced on the roof of a van while recording the World Trade Center buildings collapse. But an astute observer would have seen this coming as the lame busy work apparatus linked the Mafia to terror, but not the IDF, Mossad or in 1948, the Emanuel family's Irgun.
No, those FEMA refurbished facilities (aka camps) don't exist even though they've been shown everywhere, including the contractors who did the work. And we do take our investigations from Glenn Beck, after all. He's a purveyor of truth, justice, red meat and apple pie.
Here's the reality. Posse comitatus has no meaning to these Israelites that unlawfully destroyed the Roman Empire for their own power and wealth even as they now demand that you roll over and go back to sleep.
Step one. Arrest Muslim terror suspects and hold them in military jails even if charged as civilians. Look both ways. Make sure American Idiots don't get it. Proceed.
Step two. Arrest Mafia suspects and hold them in military jails when charged as civilians (no doubt lying to the few critics by nightfall that you just didn't have room anywhere else). Look both ways. Make sure American Idiots don't get it. Proceed.
Pending. Step three. Arrest criminal suspects and hold them in military jails when charged as civilians (no doubt lying to the few critics by nightfall that you just didn't have room anywhere else). Look both ways. Make sure American Idiots don't get it. Proceed.
Pending. Step four. Arrest people who know and speak the truth as suspects and hold them in military jails when charged as civilians (no doubt lying to the few critics by nightfall that you just didn't have room anywhere else). Look both ways. Make sure American Idiots don't get it.
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