Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cape Police: ``If they would rather die... they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

Cape Cod police want your sympathy so you don't get mad at them when they spray you, taser you or park in Harwich and follow you into Brewster nearly hitting you as you turn up your street like the CIA asset Chief did to me two nights ago. It's all staged propaganda pieces requested by their unions to calm the public and lull them into thinking that they have it tough too, at about $50,000 to start and $120,000 as Lieutenants.

"People are very, very scared of being blacklisted," he said.

Oh boo hoo.

"Some police officers have large egos and think they are above the law," he said. "They're hypocrites. They go out to bars, get drunk and then get behind the wheel."

Then there's a handy list of criminals to post on your owner-op PC... er... car.

It was just yesterday that my stroke injured mother and I were yelled at not once, but twice in the yard of the house she owns by a little brat former summer cop.

In the morning it was (suicidal) Paula Blart barking "we know" as I was talking to my retired municipal employee hearing damaged lung cancer patient uncle about the people who maimed me... in our back yard.

By night it was "will you stop" and then "get a life" from her firefighter boyfriend when I told them what I think of former "police" like her, because again, they inserted themselves into a private conversation.

Then I have to read this union propaganda crap the next morning, from the people who boss people around and harass them.

They're concerned about blacklists ? What a farce.

I can't get a job in a grocery store thanks to their system of abusing citizens. We ruled Rome, I graduated Phi Beta Kappa and I can't get a job interview in grocery stores that hire wingnuts to push carts thanks to them. I didn't open my mouth until 2008. That's 12 years of Merck, John P. Holdren, John Heckscher, CDC, FDA, Brewster Police and the other monkeys.

It's a farce when they now convict by notations in secret logging files they deny they have, but they do. The dispatchers have them let alone the cops, because they read from then deny they have them to your face. Now the FBI and the others want to share them.

I thought we have courts here ?

Police who have guilty consciences kill themselves. Police on the verge of going to jail kill themselves. Honest people don't kill themselves.

Police who shoot themselves do it out of guilt, after half are thugs who harass innocent people through treachery and another quarter are bumblers or don't care to work hard enough to go after tough cases.

I've seen fatal car crashes and spent 13 years seeing people's bile and flesh taken out of hospital rooms as a patient. I've been there when they die overnight and nurses cry. Don't think it's any cleaner to see someone's green fluids removed while you're chewing your lunch. I didn't volunteer. I didn't get paid. It's not my field and never was going to be even though I could have. Hell, the hospital ambulance tried to hire me in 2001, because they needed people.

``If they would rather die... they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

But back to the neighborhood mall cop.

The joke is that she got her boyfriend back by threatening to kill herself several months ago, such that the police went there. But it's not the first time the police went to the police woman turned shit kicker lawyer (who rarely goes to work). No, they lived there the entire time she was growing up.

Then she became one. Briefly. Before being sued by a convict.


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