Garbage people are not qualified to make those judgement, at all. They can't possibly know what they're looking at unless it's so obvious anyone else would have reported it too.
We live in a country where idiots are shown cars with antennas on them as movie props and think that they might be al CIAda in real life. How freaking stupid. Do they think al CIAda is going to drive around yelling "hey, look at us, we're wired for communication !" ? Hey better yet try some neon trim, pulsating to some music from the Muslim world.
American Idiots.
Errors cost innocent people money in court, and there are police being highly paid at three levels of government starting at $60,000 and heading to $200,000 at retirement just as Lieutenants, to make enough errors.
Are they telling us that when it appears that the NSA, CIA and FBI bumbled their way through 9/11 despite warnings and having names that Waste Management staff are going to do their job ? Why not ! On other hand let's fire all the cops and replace them with garbage men, since that's been where most of the busy work files of the last 9 years belong.
This has got be a joke given the FBI's dealings with the "Mafiated" trash industry alone, and recently too.
It's a program that employs former FBI agents to train drivers and other employees to look out for anything out of the ordinary and gives them the tools to properly document and report the possibly significant events.
That's a laugh. The Connecticut State Police tried to report the Mujahideen overstaying their welcome by reporting them to the State Department and were told to sod off.
This was in the Hartford Courant reported by Mike McIntire, “Man Linked to Blast Was Among Group That Used Naugatuck Range,” on 26 March, 1993.
It was in the New York Times by John Rather, in “Security Questions at Shooting Ranges,” on 5 October, 2003.
It was on page 28 of Terrorism as crime: from Oklahoma City to Al-Qaeda and beyond, by Mark S. Hamm seen here !
It's on page 74 of Triple Cross: How bin Laden's Master Spy Penetrated the CIA, the Green Berets, and the FBI, by Peter Lance !
State police Constable Glenn Wagner was alone on a dirt road in the Naugatuck State Forest one summer Saturday in 1990 when he came upon a half-dozen men armed with AK-47s and Uzis...
Since the men had done nothing wrong, Wagner and his colleagues let them go.
Eight years later, a federal grand jury in New York is investigating whether Osama bin Laden, the militant Islamic leader linked to the American embassy bombings in Africa, helped finance terrorists in the United States -- including the mysterious group of target shooters in Naugatuck.
The 3,400 acres of state forest stretching along the Naugatuck River has been identified in three separate terrorist cases in the 1990s as a training ground for a loosely connected cell of Muslim immigrants from Egypt, Jordan and Sudan. The continuing use of the forest to fire weapons and to test explosives, far from the suspects' home base in New York, is among many common threads that have led investigators to believe the incidents were part of a broader campaign of terror with possible ties to bin Laden.
We don't need Waste Management if trained police can't get it right or weren't allowed to get it right.
The sanitation workers are given cell phones with cameras and short forms to fill out if they spot anything unusual. They're taught to use their experience on the job, noting vehicles that may be out of place or doors left open. Most importantly they're reminded they're NOT police officers, just extra eyes and ears on the road. If they see something suspicious, they don't intervene. They call their dispatcher or 9-1-1.
"We hope that all of our drivers would do this anyway..." explains Charlie Cunningham, East Coast Security Director for Waste Management and a 24 year veteran of the FBI, "And with a little bit of training with a little big of guidance they know what to look for and they know how to report it."
What follows is a cover story. If Waste Watch is a local program, why is the FBI training the Mafiated Waste Management workers ? Get real
Waste Watch is now in effect in more than 100 communities and almost every state in the nation, all in coordination with local law enforcement who recognize the benefit of having the men (and some women) at work in the best and worst neighborhoods in town, often in the middle of the night.
Oh yeah. The FBI is worried that Waste Management report that your mailbox is being smashed with a bat. Please...
The Ottaviano's Roman Empire did better than this money grubber government.
What was Waste Management's quid pro quo ? Did it get yet another bailout like the Dominos pizza cheese bailout ?
Legiones redde !
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